In the RiverTree family of churches, covenant partnership is the way we describe what it means for us to live out our common mission together as the family of God. Our covenant with Christ brings us into the family of God, and our partnership with one another is how we fulfill the commission of God together in every place we live, work, and play. Each church has its local expression of what it means to be “all in” and live as a disciple of Jesus on mission together.

RedOaks Church believes in “Growing Deep and Wide Together.”

Red Oak trees have deep roots and wide branches. Healthy spirituality is like that. We want to grow deep inwardly, deep in the love of Jesus, deep in spiritual disciplines, and experience deep healing and wholeness. We also want to grow wide in our reach to the world around us, wide in our love and acceptance of others, wide in our generosity and collaboration in our community.

We don’t ever want to be deep and narrow, or wide and shallow. Healthy spirituality is deep and wide, and healthy spirituality doesn’t happen in isolation.
We grow deep and wide together.

Being “All In” at RedOaks means three things:

Growing deeper through involvement in our COR Classes or Home Groups.

Growing wider through committing to live on mission in your neighborhood, your workplace, or your school.

Growing together through generosity, hospitality, and intentional community.